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BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat; BACKGROUND-POSITION: top left;"><tr><td><table cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0" border = "0" width = "100%" style = "BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url('images/border-top-right.gif'); BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat; BACKGROUND-POSITION: top right;"><tr><td><table cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0" border = "0" width = "100%" style = "BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url('images/border-bot-left.gif'); BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat; BACKGROUND-POSITION: bottom left;"><tr><td><table cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0" border = "0" width = "100%" style = "BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url('images/border-bot-right.gif'); BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat; BACKGROUND-POSITION: bottom right;"><tr> <td><img src = "images/pixel.gif" width = "30" height = "1"></td> <td valign = "top"> <span> <br> <img src = "images/header-faq.gif" width = "306" height = "36"><br> <p> <font color = "white"><b><div id = "header">Honor System F.A.Q. (DOC Format)</div></b></font> <br> <ul> <li><a href = "World of Warcraft Documents/English/Honor_System_FAQ.doc">Honor System F.A.Q. - English</a> <li><a href = "World of Warcraft Documents/Korean/Honor_System_FAQ KOREAN final.doc">Honor System F.A.Q. - Korean</a> <li><a href = "World of Warcraft Documents/Chinese/Honor System FAQ CN.doc">Honor System F.A.Q. - Chinese</a> </ul> <p> <font color = "white"><b><div id = "header">Other World of Warcraft Documents</div></b></font> <ul> <li><a href = "World of Warcraft Documents/English/Azeroth Continues to Expand.doc">Azeroth Continues to Expand - English</a> <li><a href = "World of Warcraft Documents/Korean/Azeroth Continues to Expand(Korean).doc">Azeroth Continues to Expand - German</a> <li><a href = "World of Warcraft Documents/German/E3 2005 DE.doc">German</a> <li><a href = "World of Warcraft Documents/French/E3 2005 FR.doc">French</a> </ul> <br> <b><u><font color="FFFFFF" size = "4">Gaining Honor</font></u></b> <blockquote> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2">What is the Honor System?</font></b><br> The Honor System allows players to gain rankings based on their PvP performance, with lucrative rewards for those who distinguish themselves on the field of battle! <a href = "http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/pvp/pvp-article-part2.html">Read more about the PvP Honor System</a>. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2">How do I gain rank in the Honor System?</font></b><br> Players advance in rank by helping to defeat players of the opposite faction (Horde/Alliance), or by vanquishing special target NPC's in the game, which ultimately confers contribution points. <p> The amount of damage a player deals to their target determines the amount of contribution points they earn. Contributing more damage yields more points, and less contribution yields fewer points. Causing slight damage to multiple targets may not net as many points as causing severe damage to a single target. Also, the target must die and the kill must be honorable in order for contribution points to be awarded. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2">What is an honorable kill?</font></b><br> An honorable kill occurs when a player takes part in the killing of an appropriate player or NPC in the player's level range. The color system for players works the same as it does for monsters. Grey level players will not yield an honorable kill. <p> Also, only specific NPC's will yield honorable kills. These are special target NPC's that are extremely difficult for players to attack, as they are some of the main leaders of each player faction. Defeating these NPC's will require a large force of players. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> What is a 'Dishonorable kill'? </font></b><br> Any NPC that is marked with the green word 'Civilian' in its tooltip is considered a 'dishonorable kill'. The 'Civilian' marking will be applied to general NPC's such as vendors and quest NPCs as the level of the player begins to exceed the level of the NPC. This means that players of the appropriate level are allowed to kill general NPC's that are considered to present a fair fight. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> Can I earn contribution points if I am in a group? </font></b><br> Yes. When grouped with other players, contribution points are divided equally amongst the members of the party. Just like in groups for killing monsters, players can gain bonus experience for killing players while in a group. If the character levels of some group members are significantly higher than others, the amount of contribution points gained by the lower level members will be reduced, just like it is with monster experience. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> What if I do less damage than the rest of my group, say through healing, damage over time, or area-of-effect spells? Do I still get the same amount of contribution points as my group? </font></b><br> Yes. Players who are grouped in a party equally split the contribution points they earn. The Priest who heals will receive an equal share of points as the Warrior who is swinging away at the target. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> What happens if we take out a faction leader in a raid group? Who gets the contribution points? </font></b><br> Members of the raid group that taps the creature will share the honor points equally. The points will be distributed the same way as experience points. It should be noted, however, that strategic targets are there to promote conflict and role-play between the Alliance and Horde, so players will find that killing enemy leaders will not be a disproportionately large source of contribution points. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> If I am a raid leader, will I receive more contribution points than other non-leader raid group members? </font></b><br> No. Contribution points are divided equally among all raid-party members. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> If I am on the other end of the battlefield as my party or raid group, will I still get contribution points for any kills they make? </font></b><br> No. Earning contribution points falls within the normal rules of experience gain. Players must be in the general area to receive the contribution points. <p> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> How many points do I need to get my next rank? </font></b><br> This is one area where the PvP and normal experience system differ. There is no set amount of contribution points needed to reach a certain level. The PvP ranking system is based on the number of players engaging in PvP combat, and how good each player is in relation to other players. <p> Think of the PvP rankings as a curve, where the highest ranks will encompass the top percentage of players. While there are a finite amount of players who can be in the top ranks, the actual number will depend on how many other characters on the server are involved in PvP. The more players competing, the more players will be able to reach the top ranks. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> How does my PvP Rank update? </font></b><br> PvP ranks are compiled once a week, and will coincide with the weekly server maintenance. There is a minimum number of honorable kills per week required for eligibility; this number is flexible and depends on the average number of honorable kills for your realm that week. <p> Based on the number of contribution points received per week and the amount of people involved in PvP combat, a rating value is assessed for each player. This value is used to determine progression through the PvP ranks. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> Will I get credit for killing guards? </font></b><br> Based on player feedback we have decided to no longer award honorable kills for killing NPCs that are not racial leaders. This will prevent players from feeling as though they need to "grind" NPC kills for contribution points. This change will also help the honorable kill totals mean more than they otherwise would. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> What happens if I am fighting a player and that player runs away, then another player or group finds the player and kills him or her? Do I get any contribution points having damaged the player first? </font></b><br> That depends on the situation. If the target player does not take any damage for one minute, then all contribution points on that target are erased. Until that time, contribution points are added to the tally. If the target player continues to take damage, and eventually dies, you will still get credit. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> Will there be additional contribution points gained for rapid-fire killing? For instance, three honorable kills in thirty seconds. </font></b><br> There are no current plans to reward players for going on killing sprees, other than the normal contribution points they earn. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> Will there be a survival bonus? For instance, each kill beyond the first without dying equates to more contribution points. </font></b><br> This will not be a feature upon initial implementation of the Honor System, but is a possible candidate for continued refinement. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> So far it seems like the Honor System is designed for players who can devote large amounts of time to the game. What if I am a casual player who cannot devote so much time? </font></b><br> Since the majority of players in WoW are casual gamers, the majority of player will be competing against players of a similar skill level and playtime. We expect many players to be surprised at how viable they will be in the Honor System. </blockquote> <b><u><font color="FFFFFF" size = "4">Rewards</font></u></b> <blockquote> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> What incentives do I have to gain high ranks in the Honor System? </font></b><br> By killing other players and racking up contribution points, players will gain access to the Officer's barracks in Orgrimmar and Stormwind City. Each new rank players gain will open up new items, weapons, and armor for them to use. Along with the new items players will also have their current Honor Rank displayed for all to see. Here is a list of the ranks and rewards given per rank: <P> <table cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0" border = "0"> <tr> <td> <table cellpadding = "3" cellspacing = "0" border = "0"> <tr> <td valign = "top"><b>Rank</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b>Alliance Title</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b>Horde Title</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b>Reward</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign = "top" align = "center"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">14</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Grand Marshal</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">High Warlord</b></td> <td valign = "top"><span><small>Epic-quality weapon and shield</small></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign = "top" align = "center"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">13</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Field Marshal</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Warlord</b></td> <td valign = "top"><span><small>Epic-quality helm, shoulder armor, and gloves</small></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign = "top" align = "center"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">12</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Marshal</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">General</b></td> <td valign = "top"><span><small>Epic-quality chest armor, leggings, and boots</small></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign = "top" align = "center"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">11</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Commander</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Lieutenant &nbsp;General</b></td> <td valign = "top"><span><small>Commander's epic mount</small></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign = "top" align = "center"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">10</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Lieutenant &nbsp;Commander</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Champion</b></td> <td valign = "top"><span><small>Superior-quality helm and shoulder armor</small></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign = "top" align = "center"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">9</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Knight-Champion</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Centurion</b></td> <td valign = "top"><small>Battle standard</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign = "top" align = "center"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">8</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Knight-Captain</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Legionnare</b></td> <td valign = "top"><span><small>Superior-quality chest armor and leggings</small></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign = "top" align = "center"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">7</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Knight-Lieutenant</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Blood Guard</b></td> <td valign = "top"><span><small>Superior-quality boots and gloves</small></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign = "top" align = "center"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">6</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Knight</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Stone Guard</b></td> <td valign = "top"><span><small>Access to officer's barracks, officer's tabard, and potions</small></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign = "top" align = "center"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">5</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Sergeant Major</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">First Sergeant</b></td> <td valign = "top"><span><small>Superior-quality bracers</small></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign = "top" align = "center"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">4</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Master Sergeant</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Senior &nbsp;Sergeant</b></td> <td valign = "top"><span><small>Superior-quality necklace</small></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign = "top" align = "center"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">3</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Sergeant</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Sergeant</b></td> <td valign = "top"><span><small>Superior-quality cloak, 10% discount on all goods and repairs from your faction's NPCs</small></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign = "top" align = "center"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">2</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Corporal</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Grunt</b></td> <td valign = "top"><span><small>Team insignia trinket</small></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign = "top" align = "center"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">1</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Private</b></td> <td valign = "top"><b class = "smallBold" style = "color: #ffffff;">Scout</b></td> <td valign = "top"><span><small>Tabard</small></span></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <p> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> Will the rewards ever include new spells or talents for characters of higher ranks? </font></b><br> No. Currently we do not have any plans to reward players with new talents or spells. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> Will my title be visible to those around me? </font></b><br> Yes. Players will be able to see other player titles as part of their names. In addition, players may view others' honor tabs through the inspect feature. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> The previews on the website showed a few weapons and armor. Is that all we will be able to obtain? </font></b><br> No. The preview displayed just a few of the rewards. More rewards will be available in game. </blockquote> <b><u><font color="FFFFFF" size = "4">Honor Decay</font></u></b> <blockquote> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> Once I gain Honor, do I keep it indefinitely, or do I have to keep earning it? </font></b><br> The Honor System is created so that players have to continue killing the enemy in order to keep their ranks. If a player does not fight or does not earn as many points from week to week, his or her standing will fluctuate. Over time Honor points will "decay". If a player goes down in ranks, any items or titles he has earned will be taken away until the rank is earned back. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> What do you mean my Honor points will decay? </font></b><br> There is only a percentage correction between the current honor rating and the new rating. This is because honor points behave more like a rating system than a leveling system. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> Does it always correct at the same rate, or do the player's rank/duration away affect it? </font></b><br> Rank changes as a percentage of the difference between a player's current honor rating and his or her current week's honor rating. However, in order to give players a cushion for "off weeks", the correction is substantially faster when a player is increasing their honor rating than it is going down. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> Does it decay to zero, or is there some nominal rank it stops at? </font></b><br> Players would typically have to be inactive in PvP for a very long time (months) before they lose all rank. </blockquote> <b><u><font color="FFFFFF" size = "4">Penalties</font></u></b> <blockquote> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> Why isn't there a dishonor system? Aren't you afraid that players will be going around killing lower level characters for fun? </font></b><br> The first step toward a Dishonor System will be included in the next patch. Trivial civilian NPCs such as quest givers and vendors will give Dishonor points to players who kill them. A specific penalty has not be decided on, but it will be enough that the majority of players will not wish to kill those NPCs. We are going to continue monitoring the Honor system and will continue to make improvements as necessary. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> Are there any places where we can fight that will cause a negative honor gain if you kill the opposing faction? An example would be an Argent Dawn camp? </font></b><br> Not at this time. However, there will be times at which players will be worth no honor. For example, when a player loads into the world by crossing an instance line or logging in, or immediately after landing from a flight, that player will be worth no contribution points for a short time. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> Are there any safe guards in place to prevent players from killing each other to climb up the ranks? For example, "you let me kill you and I will let you kill me" over and over again? That seems like it would be the fastest way to reach the top ranks of the Honor System. </font></b><br> Killing the same player repeatedly will have diminishing returns, so it will not be worthwhile for either player. In addition to that, any players caught participating in behavior described above will be guilty of exploiting the game and will be dealt with accordingly. The system we have in place can track unusual patterns to help expose this behavior. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> What if guilds coordinate with each other to "trade" players to kill so they are not always fighting the same player? </font></b><br> Any guilds caught participating in this activity will also be considered exploiting the game and will be penalized accordingly. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> If I gain the 5th rank, and I purchase the Bracers as listed in the chart above, what happens if I drop down to the 4th rank. Will I still be able to wear the bracers? </font></b><br> If a player loses a rank he or she will not be able to equip any gear obtained for the higher rank until that rank is gained again. The item will not be lost, but it will be placed in an open spot in the inventory. If the inventory is full it will be placed in the standard overflow slots. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> Will this policy be changed in the future so that players will be able to retain the items even if they no longer hold the rank required to obtain them? </font></b><br> This policy will most likely not be changed. Currently, the feel of player-vs-player combat is competitive enough that it does not follow the normal rules of leveling. The rating system in place should make it possible for players to pick up the game after years of not playing and have them be able to "catch up" to other players. <p> We anticipate that since most of our players are casual players, they will be fighting against other casual players with roughly the same amount of time spent with the Honor System. That and the "honor rest system" should allow casual players to gain respectable ranks without needing to become a "power gamer." </blockquote> <b><u><font color = "FFFFFF" size = "4">Battlegrounds</font></u></b> <blockquote> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> How does the Honor System fit in with the Battlegrounds? </font></b><br> In the Battlegrounds players will be fighting primarily against other players which will net contribution points. There will also be other methods of earning contribution points in the Battlegrounds besides player-vs-player battles. Battlegrounds are instances geared towards promoting player-vs-player combat, so players who complete objectives in Battlegrounds will receive honor. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> How does the PvP system that is being implemented affect the world outside Battlegrounds. In other words, in contested zones will I be able to control graveyards and other key points? </font></b><br> While we are looking to have player-vs-player combat affect the outside world in ways that are interesting and most of all fun to players, this will not be a feature that is included in the initial Honor System or Battleground patches. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> Will killing players in the Battlegrounds automatically result in me getting more contribution points than if I kill someone on the other parts of the realm? </font></b><br> No. However players participating in Battlegrounds can earn honor in other ways besides killing players. </blockquote> <b><u><font color = "FFFFFF" size = "4">Misc.</font></u></b> <blockquote> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> Will one class have an advantage over the others? Some classes seem to be better equipped for gaining contribution points than others; was that taken into consideration? </font></b><br> During our testing we did not come across any one class that had a distinct advantage over the others. Each class has an equal chance of rising through the ranks depending on how it is played. Keep in mind that the number of honorable kills that a player makes does not determine the rate at which ranks are gained, only that a fair kill was made. That should help alleviate some of the fears about certain classes being better than others. The more a player participates in player-vs-player battles, the higher the rank will be. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> Currently the realm crashes if there are too many people in one place, like Tarren Mill. How did you prepare the realms to deal with the added amount of stress that is going to be added with more frequent large scale PvP battles? </font></b><br> For the time being the lag generated will be greater than normal. This should not last very long, as Battlegrounds will be released in the next patch! The Honor System has been anticipated for some time now, and now that it is released everyone is eager to jump in and try it out! Once the Battlegrounds go live they will draw players away from towns like Crossroads and Tarren Mill and into the instanced environments designed to support large scale player-vs-player battles. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> It seems that some realms have way more Alliance than Horde members. How will this affect the Honor System ? </font></b><br> Contrary to popular belief, the numbers of Horde and Alliance are very similar on player-vs-player realms. Also, most players will be fighting for contribution points in Battlegrounds once they are released. The Battlegrounds will have a controlled number on both sides, so the overall realm balance should not affect either faction's abaility to gain Honor. <P> <b><font color="FFFFFF" size = "2"> How am I supposed to play the game when every where I go someone is waiting to gank me? The graveyard is nice, but I want to see the rest of the world too! </font></b><br> Once Battlegrounds are released the amount of player-vs-player conflicts found around the world will most likely decrease significantly. The same goes for ganking found in the contested zones around Azeroth. Fighting in the Battlegrounds will yeild far more contribution points than fighting anywhere else. With that said, players who chose to create characters on a PvP realm are supposed to feel a sense of danger where ever they go, that is why we offer player-vs-player realms! </blockquote> <br><img src = "images/pixel.gif" width = "450" height = "40"> </span> </td> <td><img src = "images/pixel.gif" width = "30" height = "1"></td> </tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> </td> <td width = "10%"></td> </tr> </table> <p> <MAP NAME="bottom_blizzlogo_Map"> <AREA SHAPE="rect" HREF="http://www.blizzard.com/" ALT="Blizzard Entertainment" COORDS="161,6,239,42"> </MAP> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign = "bottom" align = "center"> <p> <font face="arial,helvetica" size=1><small> <a href="http://www.blizzard.com/privacy.shtml">Online Privacy Policy</a><br> <a href="http://www.blizzard.com/legalfaq.shtml">⌐2005 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.. 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